Issue Position: Postpone NYC Public School Re-Opening

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: K-12 Education

The Coronavirus pandemic has upended the lives of everyone in our community. We have experienced the devastating effects of lack of preparation and miscommunication. Jackson Heights, Corona, East Elmhurst, and Woodside suffered greatly because our government failed to properly inform and protect us. We can not allow this to happen again. That is why I am calling on the New York City Department of Education to postpone in-person learning at schools for most students until a robust safety plan is in place to protect students, educators, and their families.

For the past few weeks, I have been participating in numerous conversations with parents, teachers, school administrators and students. One thing is becoming clear - the vast majority are concerned that in-school learning is not ready for the proposed September 10th opening. Although imperfect, remote-only learning should remain for most students at least through December to allow the Department of Education enough time to obtain necessary PPE equipment, hire a nurse for every school, and ensure appropriate testing and tracing protocols to keep everyone safe and allow us to better understand the science behind this pandemic.

New York made many mistakes this year in response to the outbreak. We can't afford to make them again. My district - deemed "the epicenter of the epicenter" during the height of the pandemic - is still experiencing rates of COVID higher than the citywide average. We should follow the lead of every other large city in the United States, including Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, and San Francisco, and wait to put most students and educators back into classrooms.

I have spent my career working in public health and as an educator. I am also a parent of a child in the local public school. I understand both the value of in-person instruction and the grave concerns about spreading the virus. We must remain vigilant and smart. Together, we can save lives and build a better future for everyone.
